New joint publication by bioDISCOVERY and GEO BON members highlighting that urgent and integrated actions are need to achieve the global biodiversity goals. Leadley, P.W.,…
bioDISCOVERY, together with the secretariat of GEO BON, has convened a group of international experts to prepare a series of science briefs to support the negotiations…
The meeting, co-organised by bioDISCOVERY, brought together more than 50 scientists to provide input into the Draft Global Biodiversity Framework, proposed by a Working Group…
Why are current policies to combat deforestation doomed to failure? While national and international efforts to reverse the trend of deforestation have multiplied in recent…
The paper provides a framework for the Future Earth Natural Assets Knowledge Action Network. It highlights the importance of natural assets for sustainability, and charts…
Overview poster of the bioDISCOVERY project. It provides an overview over the project, its mission and (planned) activities. «Advancing and integrating science to better observe and…
The new bioDISCOVERY science plan was published in early 2018 in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. The science plan outlines how the research network intends…