Overview poster of the bioDISCOVERY project. It provides an overview over the project, its mission and (planned) activities.
«Advancing and integrating science to better observe and predict biodiversity and ecosystem change»
Overview poster of the bioDISCOVERY project. It provides an overview over the project, its mission and (planned) activities.
«Advancing and integrating science to better observe and predict biodiversity and ecosystem change»
bioDISCOVERY is an international research programme fostering collaborative interdisciplinary activities on biodiversity and ecosystem science. Using a network approach, we advance the use of observations, indicators and scenarios to support policy and decision-making for informed global environmental management.
For questions please contact
Dr. rer. nat. Cornelia Krug
Department of Geography
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH – 8057 Zürich
Office tel: +41 44 635 52 41